Book 2 of the Frangel series has now been released
Book 2 of the Frangel series has now been released
Mindfulness is the simple act of being in the present moment, without fear or judgement. It is not a religion or a science, nor do you need any special equipment or clothing.
You just need to be able to focus your mind to being in the very moment that you are in. Whilst this may sound simple, the actual act of being mindful can be very difficult as our minds are often so used to worrying about what we could have, should have or wish we hadn't done in the past.
When we are not worrying about the past we are often stressing about the future, resulting in our minds being constantly busy and often unable to switch off.
Take a moment and imagine yourself being on a white sandy, secluded, beach and the sound of the transparent water, gently lapping the shore as the warmth of the sun beats down on you. Feel the warmth of the soft sand between your toes as you feel a gentle breeze cool the heat of the sun on your skin. Sound like bliss? When you can sit on that beach and see and feel the peace and tranquility, whilst drinking in the view you eliminate the stresses in your life. It's now time to go home and you feel calm and relaxed and everything in life just feels better. That is being in the present moment - being mindful. It does not take away life's problems, nor does it solve any predicaments that you may be facing, but it does allow you to feel calm and more in control.
Now, imagine being in the same situation, but as you sit on that same beach, you are worrying about what you have to do at work on Monday, the bills you need to pay and whether or not you have enough money to cover them all, the regret of what you did or didn't say during an argument earlier in the day, wishing for things to be different in your life. Now, it's time to go home. You have missed the tranquility that you have been surrounded by and whilst you may have spent some time mulling over all your problems, you have not solved anything and you have missed an opportunity to de-stress.
Which scenario would you prefer?
YOU are the only person who chooses YOUR thoughts. Nobody else can choose what YOU think about. If a problem pops into your thoughts as you are trying to practice being mindful, tell yourself that you will think about that particular issue in twenty minutes time and go back to being mindful. See that thought going into a bubble and see it either floating away or bursting. You can go back to that thought later - but for now, this is your time. Your mind and body will thank you for it.
So, with a stressed mind, that is full of things to do, how do you become mindful?
Starting with just a few seconds at a time take notice of all of your senses. Allow yourself to feel your back on the chair you are sitting on, feel the back of your legs on the chair. Take your hands off the keyboard for just a few seconds and allow yourself to feel them as you rest them on the table or chair. As you do this, become aware of your breath as it enters and leaves your body and become aware of the sounds around you. If you are in a noisy environment as you do this, then take yourself to a quiet room just for a few minutes. Filling all of your senses in this manner is being mindful and this is a good way to start this practice, expanding it to becoming aware of your surroundings.
When you are being mindful you are not allowing yourself to think stressful thoughts or allowing your mind to become overloaded and subsequently stressed.
Mindfulness can:
Help you become aware of negative thoughts you may be having.
Reduce stress
Develop a more positive way of thinking
Allow you to be kinder to yourself as you become aware of your inner critic
Give you a precious few minutes to yourself to recharge
Interesting reading
There are many books out there on this subject, however this book I have found particularly helpful when learning about mindfulness.
Eight year olds to get mindful lessons.
Schools to sign up to mindfulness
How mindfulness can help depression
Mindfulness for depression and anxiety